Environment Canterbury’s Plan Change 7

Wednesday, July 31st, 2019

Environment Canterbury has notified Plan Change 7 to the Canterbury Land & Water Regional Plan (CLWRP) for public submissions.  Submissions (formal comments/feedback) will be received until 5pm on 13 September 2019.  Read more at https://ecan.govt.nz/get-involved/news-and-events/2019/plan-change-7-and-plan-change-2-what-you-need-to-know/


PC7 is split into three parts (Parts A,B and C).


Part A is an ‘Omnibus’ change proposing amendments to region-wide provisions (policies, rules, maps and schedules).


Part A aims to:

  • Improve freshwater outcomes for Canterbury
  • Protect habitats of indigenous freshwater species
  • Enable consideration of Ngāi Tahu values in relation to a broader range of activities
  • Provide the use of managed aquifer recharge across the region
  • Establish a new nutrients framework for commercial vegetable growing operations
  • Implement recommendations from the Hinds Drains Working Party


Parts B and C of PC7 relate to the Orari Temuka Opihi Pareora (OTOP) and Waimakariri sub-regions respectively.


Environment Canterbury’s Plan Change 5

Monday, July 15th, 2019

Farmers with irrigated land and dryland in Canterbury need to be aware of what their obligations may be in relation to Environment Canterbury’s (ECan) Plan Change 5, which became operative earlier this year.  Farmers who do not require a consent to farm, should register as a Permitted Activity in ECan’s Farm Portal. https://farmportal.ecan.govt.nz/login.


Those farmers that do require a land use consent to farm, need to apply for this as soon as possible.  If you need assistance in determining whether you require a consent or not, or if you are having issues applying for a consent, then please contact Environment Canterbury directly and they will point you in the right direction.  You can also visit https://www.canterburywater.farm/ for more information.


Environment Canterbury is wanting all farmers to be implementing Good Management Practices (GMP).  Find out more at https://www.canterburywater.farm/gmp


Reminder for farmers – Overseer update is coming (via Environment Canterbury)

Monday, June 17th, 2019

From the end of June 2019, OverseerFM software will replace the legacy version of Overseer.  This means Overseer nutrient budgets previously submitted as XML files under 6.2.2 or earlier, will not be compatible with the new software.  Information saved in the legacy version of Overseer will not automatically carry over to OverseerFM.


Farmers with Overseer requirements will need to register for an OverseerFM account and make sure their files are in the correct format in advance of the software transition.


Read more at https://ecan.govt.nz/get-involved/news-and-events/2019/reminder-for-farmers-overseer-update-is-coming/

Help Enlisted to Find Source of Phosphate (via Rural Life)

Thursday, March 21st, 2019

A project involving the North Otago Sustainable Land Management (NOSLaM) group and hydrologists from the University of Otago due to kick off next month, will hopefully provide answers to Waiareka Creek catchment’s increasing phosphate levels, which in turn may help meet water quality regulations.


NOSLaM met with farmers, landowners and stakeholders in the catchment earlier this month to provide information around the work that will be carried out and also to ask for their support and cooperation.  NOSLaM Chair, Peter Mitchell, at the meeting advised that water sampling will be carried out at 70 sites and soil sampling at 19 sites.


According to Dr Sarah Mager, Otago University’s geography department hydrologist, the project, funded by North Otago Irrigation Company (NOIC), ‘will evaluate whether organic or inorganic phosphorus deposits in the riverbed and banks are potential sources of phosphorus in the waterways’.


NOSLaM Steering Committee member, Lyndon Strang, said “If the area’s natural phosphorus levels were found to be high, NOSLaM could take findings to the Otago Regional Council and make a case for adjusting permitted levels under the new water quality standards.”


Read more at https://www.odt.co.nz/rural-life/rural-life-other/help-enlisted-find-source-phosphate?fbclid=IwAR08-89WTx4fOmcEwkl6S0XKq3LBLuqsndJrmRDTd40vD–F1Q2Vz6xai78