North Otago | South Canterbury | |
Duntroon | Papakaio | Glenavy |
Kurow | Peebles | Hakataramea |
Livingstone | Richmond | Ikawai |
Maheno | Totara | Morven |
Ngapara | Weston | Waihaorunga |
Oamaru | Windsor | Waimate |
Check out the weather for your region
Welcome to the Waitaki Irrigators Collective weather page!
We have selected various locations around the Waitaki Valley and within the irrigator schemes for you to keep up to date with the weather with a simple click of a button.
Click the location nearest to you on the table to the right or scroll down to check up to date weather forecasts provided by
If you are after a more in-depth forecast simply click on your locations name in the forecasts below or head over to the Metservice or Accuweather websites.