ORC Welcomes Community-led Involvement in Setting Water Policies (via ORC Public Notice)
On 7th March 2019, ORC issued a Public Notice advising that “Water is a top priority for the Otago Regional Council (ORC), our iwi partners and our communities” and that “increasingly our waterways face multiple demands for recreation, water supply, irrigation and for ecosystem health.”
The notice goes on to explain that “the Government’s National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPSFM) recognises that the management of freshwater needs to be done at a more local level that reflects Te Mana o te Wai (the integrated and holistic wellbeing of the water) and local catchment values and needs.”
ORC sees this move towards community value and objective setting for waterways as positive. A Water Plan review by ORC, aims to align how water is managed in Otago with the NPSFM.