IrrigationNZ Welcomes New Chief Executive (via IrrigationNZ)

Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

IrrigationNZ issued a media release on 19th December 2018, advising of Elizabeth Soal’s appointment as their new Chief Executive.


In the release, Nicky Hyslop, IrrigationNZ (INZ) Board Chair, explains that “IrrigationNZ has recently adopted a new strategy which focuses on creating an environment for the responsible use of water for food production.  As part of the strategy we will be focusing on advocacy, encouraging innovation through sharing ideas and adopting new technology, developing a robust information base, bringing the irrigation sector, researchers and decision makers together to make better decisions for our future and creating world-leading irrigation standards.”


Nicky believes that Elizabeth has a “strong background in water management, law and policy and she will help contribute to all these goals but that she is particularly well qualified to contribute to national discussions” as INZ “seeks to achieve solutions to complex issues around water allocation which results in good outcomes for both communities and the environment.”